Chamber of Commerce
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Chamber Calendar

Do you have a Plan B for your finances in case of an interruption? Discover Arbonne workshop

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: 391 First Street, Georgian Business Centre. Second Floor. Park in the back.

A little back story. When I was 40 I owned a very successful business in Toronto. I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and my partners pulled the shot gun clause and had me removed from our partnership overnight. We went from being a two income family to a one income family over night but the expenses and bills did not change. Fast forward 7 years and I am told the diagnosis was wrong. Lucky for sure but our finances had taken a hit during this time. At the age of 50 it was difficult to find employment that included benefits and pension contribution so I took what I could.. As I neared my 60th birthday I realized that I had no pension and no benefits and that scared me into looking for something more sustainable than a part time job working for somebody else. If you're interested in learning about turning a daily expense into an income be sure to attend this workshop.


Contact: Janet Auty Carlisle
Phone: 7052931881


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